Nimble Leadership

Nobody has really recommended command-and-control leadership for a long time. But no fully formed alternative has emerged, either.

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The Collaboration Blind Spot

A few years ago, the leaders of a multibillion-dollar energy systems company, which I’ll call EnerPac, decided to offer an after-sales service plan for one of its products.

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The Feedback Fallacy

The debate about feedback at work isn’t new. Since at least the middle of the last century, the question of how to get employees to improve has generated a good deal of opinion and research. 

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Rethinking Efficiency

In his landmark 1776 work The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith showed that a clever division of labor could make a commercial enterprise 

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Unite Your Senior Team

In 2016, Bern-based Swisscom seemed trapped in a mature industry. The global telecom sector was flatlining,

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Why Curiosity Matters

New research shows that curiosity is vital to an organization’s performance—as are the particular ways in which people are curious

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