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In 2016, Bern-based Swisscom seemed trapped in a mature industry. The global telecom sector was flatlining,
In 2016, Bern-based Swisscom seemed trapped in a mature industry. The global telecom sector was flatlining,
New research shows that curiosity is vital to an organization’s performance—as are the particular ways in which people are curious
In 2016, General Electric announced that it was moving its longtime corporate headquarters from suburban Fairfield, Connecticut, to downtown Boston.
Fabio Guffanti, nato nel 1972 ad Alghero, coniugato, due figlie, laurea in Economia e Commercio conseguita presso l’Università Bocconi,
When Gerry Anderson first became the president of DTE Energy, he did not believe in the power of higher organizational purpose. We’re not talking about having a clear mission that focuses
Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation.
As the head of a large manufacturing plant at a multinational conglomerate, an executive I’ll call David had proved himself a competent, trustworthy manager.
Chiudiamo il 2017 con l’intervista al dottor Gianpaolo Naef, Group Human Resources Director della società farmaceutica Kedrion.
Siamo così arrivati alla settima intervista. Con grande piacere introduciamo il dottor Stefano Lazzari, Amministratore Delegato di Sirap Gema, persona a cui
Con il dottor Leonardo Bagnoli, Amministratore Delegato di Sammontana, diamo il via alle interviste del 2017.